General Knowledge - Science Part 5

General Knowledge - Science Part 5

Questions -Oxidation in electrolysis

Does it happen?

Answer - On Anode

Question - Discovery of the nucleus of the atom

Answer - Rutherford
General Knowledge

Question  - is in the nucleus of the atom.

Answer - Protons and Neutrons

Question - The proton or electron in an atom of an element.

Question is called number.

Answer - Atomic Number

Question - Atoms whose atomic numbers are the same

But the mass varies, called

Answer - Isotopes

Question - Atoms whose mass numbers are the same

But the atomic number varies,

is called

Answer - Isobar

Question - Modern Periodic Table Presented

Answer - Mendleof

Question - The vertical and horizontal columns of the periodic table.
they say:

Answer - Class (Group) and Periodic respectively

Question - The first element of the periodic table is:

Answer - Hydrogen

Question - First classification of elements

Answer - by Dobrenier

Question : Classes and classes in modern periodic table

The total number of is -

Answers - 18 and 7 respectively

Question - Nun-steak pots are made -

Answer - Teflon's

Question -The inaccuracy present in the ore is called:

Answer  - Gang

Question - Of obtaining metals from minerals and ores

The method is called:

Answer - Metallurgy

Question - used for buds in utensils.

Answer - Ammonium chloride

Question - Firecrackers have a green colour

Answer - Causes of Barium

Question: Red bright colour is during overheating.

Answer - Due to the presence of strusium (Sr)

Questions - the fuel of the future is called -

Answer - To Hydrogen

Question - Marsh is called Gas -

Answer - Methane

Question - Nobel Gas is

Answer - Helium

Question is the lightest gas (element)

Answer - Hydrogen

Question - The lightest metal -
Answer - Lithium

Question - the heaviest metal -
Answer 18

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