General knowledge science pdf -News World Part 4

General knowledge science pdf -News World Part 4

Question :- is a useful element in photography

Answer -Silver Bromide

Question :- As a fixer in photography

is used in
Answer - sodium of thiosulphate

Question:- What acid was used in photography?

 Answer - Oxalic Acid

Question :- Oil rises up in the lamp light

Answer  . Causes of capillary action

Question:- The glare of the diamond and the deer are the reason for the formation of the marica.

Answer - Full Internal Reflection

Question :- is the height of a geostationary satellite

Answer - 36000 km.

Questions :- the source of sun's energy

Answer  - Nuclear Fusion

Q:- The speed of the rocket is based

Answer - On the Principle of Emotion Protection

Question:- The human eye functions

Answer - like convex lens

Question -  Myopia is removed from myopia.

Answer - Using a subtle lens

Question:- Myopia is the cause of defect

Answer: Thick encapsulation and reduced focal length of eye lens

Question:- Long -sighted eddy (hypometropia) removed

 Answer - Convex Lens

Question:- The principle of atomic bomb is based.

Answer - On nuclear fission

Question: 20 The theory of hydrogen bombs is based.

Answer - On nuclear fusion.

Question :- 'Green House Effect' is Gas

Answer - Carbon Dioxide

Question :- Shaving and checking eyes, nose, ears

is used in

Answer  - Concave Mirrors

Questions. - Used in nuclear fission.

Answer - Neutron

Question:- Is a metal found in the dove stage.

Answer - Mercury

Question:- The sole found in the form of liquid.

is unmetal

Answer - Bromine

Question:- Electric current is measured

Answer - Ameter

Question :- Scalar is zodiac signs

Answer - Work, Energy, Heating, Time, Speed

Question :- vector is zodiac signs

Answer - Acceleration, Force, Displacement, Momentum

Question :- is dry ice

Answer - Solid Carbon Dioxide

Question:- The smallest particle of the element/element. The part is

Answer - Atomic

Question:- Smallest unit of chemical compound

Answer -molecule

Question:- There are three fundamental particles of atom.

Answer : Electrons, Protons and Neutrons

Question :- The electron was discovered

Answer - J. J. by Thomson

Question :- Proton discovered

North - by Goldstein

Question :- Neutron was discovered

North - by James Chadwick

QUESTION :- Electron is print

Answer - negatively - used particle

Q. - Is there proton?

Answer - Positively Transmitted Particles

Question :- neutron is

Answer - A charge less particle

Questions  :- 'Positron was discovered

Answer - Anderson by

Question:- The tendency to discard and receive electrons

is called

Answer : Oxidation and Degradation respectively

Question:- The weight of the proton, the weight of the electron Multiply (ratio)

Answer -1840 times

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