General Knowledge - Conversion in World Currency most Countries
World Currency
This lesson helps you converse about worldcurrencies.
It World
Q. What is the currency of Algeria Country?
Ans. The currency of Algeria country is Dinar.
Now, find a partner and frame questions in the same way using the names of the countries and their currencies by alllearn knowledgetips.
Country Currency
Australia - Dollar
Belgium - Euro
Canada - Dollar
Greece - Euro
Iran - Rial
Japan - Yen
Malaysia - Ringgit
New Zealand - Dollar
Saudi Arabia -Riyal
UAE - Dirham
Bahrain - Dinar
Brunei - Dollar
Finland - Euro
Iceland - Krona
What is your name
My name is birju
What are doing
May i used blogger
Kuwait - Dinar
Mexico - Peso
Poland - Zloty
Sweden - Krone