Impact of air pollution in countries - Current affairs

Impact of air pollution in countries - Current affairs

American Institutes Of Health Impact Institute (Health
Effects Institute-HEI )& Institute for
Health Matrix and Evaluation (IHME) 3
Worldwide air quality on April 2019
Released a related report. This report
The title is State of Global Air 2019. report
According to the World Voice in India and China
50% of 5 million pollution deaths
Impact of air pollution in countries - Current affairs

South Asia (India, Pakistan, in the report
Bangladesh and Nepal) the most polluted area is considered. 1.5 million people pollute here every year
they are suffering from premature death.
According to this report, caused by air pollution
Stroke, diabetes, heart attack, in 2017
Lung cancer or chronic lung diseases
Nearly 50 million people worldwide killed
(a) No. Directly due to PM 2.5
30 lakh people died.
Nearly half of these deaths were reported in India.
It has happened in China. The report found that air.
Type-2 diabetes faster due to pollution
Increases and causes more harm to its patients.

Air pollution main point

. PM 2.5 for domestic pollution in India.
Dust blowing from construction in the main sources,
Use of waterasthers as fuel, industrial
Use of coal in factories, diesel
Engines based and many other reasons
are responsible.
846 million in India and China in 2017
452 million people suffer from domestic pollution.

The report found that air pollution caused
Type-2 diabetes increases rapidly and
It causes more harm to the patients.
According to the report, health care in India
Third most of dangerous deaths
The major cause is air pollution and thereafter there is smoking.

- The report says that by the Government of India
Launched to tackle pollution
Prime Minister Ujjwala Yojana, Domestic LPG
Program, Clean Vehicle Standards and New National
Clean Air Program in the years to come
People get significant health benefits
may be.

Air pollution Global Scenarios

- 2.5 harmful ingredients found in the world in 2017, according to the report
India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal are the leading countries among them.
- If the report is estimated
Pollution remains intact like this so life
The expectancy will be reduced by 20 months.
Bhutan's lowest pollution in South Asia
Found but found here 2.5 standard
It was higher than the default standard.
The damage to the ozone layer in developed countries is still a challenge.

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